Looking for a lunch that everyone can enjoy? Jackson's Kitchen offers box lunches that will accommodate groups of any size, providing the finest in lunch fare. We work to ensure that your lunch is where you need it to be, on time! Jackson's Kitchen can also provide gluten free, vegan, and vegetarian options. With close proximity to the greater Charlotte area, Jackson's Kitchen can deliver to a wide variety of corporate parks, businesses and organizations.
Delivery is available every day - even nights and weekends! Jackson's Kitchen provides drop-off and setup service, along with napkins and plastic cutlery at no additional charge.
Orders should be placed via phone. To make a boxed lunch delivery order, please call us at (803) 222-7767. To inquire more information about our boxed lunch services, please fill out our contact form here.
Minimum of 15 People Per Order
Minimum of 5 Per Each Item
Looking for our holiday menu? Click here to browse our delicious holiday meal options for Thanksgiving and Christmas.